Review Policy

General Information

I am willing to review any kinds of books you send me. I am able to read a book for about 5-7 days (sometimes it takes less time).  I write honest reviews of books and will send them to you first and then post it. Whenever you contact me I will try to answer in 16 hours. Worst case - 48.

I accept ARCs, finished copies, audiobooks and sometimes e-books. If the book is part of a series I might need the previous books if I don't have them or haven't read them.

I am also willing to host giveaways and participate in book/ARCs tours.
Here is the shipping address for any books you want to send me:

gas-station Lukoil -next to the tunnel, boulevard Tsaritsa Yoanna, Lulin 7, 1324, Sofia, Bulgaria

Don't be shy and contact me at anytime. :)


As I said I read all kinds of genres but mostly enjoy:

  • YA
  • Fantasy
  • Sci-fi
  • Fiction
  • Non-fiction
  • Paranormal
  • Mystery
  • Horror
  • Dystopia
  • Humor
  • Fairy tales or retellings
I am also accepting:

  • Self-published books
  • Poetry
  • Short stories
  • "Issues" books(cancer, sickness, death etc.)

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